In September 2023 the Queensland Government amended the Water Act 2000 to impose more obligations on water entitlement holders to accurately measure their take of non-urban water.
Generally, water entitlement holders are required to submit one or two meter reads each year via a “self-read” process. Under the new changes, certain water entitlement holders will be required to install telemetry devices on water meters. These devices will transmit meter read data in real time to the Department.
The new requirements will apply to the measurement of both simple take (such as direct pumping from a river) and complex take (such as overland flow captured for on farm storage). Where measuring water take is complex, licence holders will be required to prepare a management plan that details how they intend to measure and calculate the water they take.
More detail, including commencement dates, for these changes is still to be regulated.
The Government has indicated new metering and meter revalidation will begin in late 2023 and continue through to 2027, with implementation beginning first in areas where water pressure risk is high, including the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin. Where the new telemetry devices are not required, existing meter read requirements will continue to apply.
The Queensland Government has secured Federal funding to subsidise the cost of installing telemetry devices in certain areas – more information about eligibility for the subsidy is here.
Phoebe Wright was assisted by Bridie Shooter in producing this update.