Thynne + Macartney partner, Alex Ramsey, and associate, Hannah Barbour, have been appointed as approved advisors under the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority's (QRIDA) Carbon Farming Advice Rebate Program.
The Program provides landholders with rebates up to $10,000 to offset the cost of obtaining relevant advice related to carbon farming projects and how these projects may participate in the Queensland Government’s Land Restoration Fund.
To become approved advisors, Alex and Hannah were required to undergo an assessment by QRIDA to ensure they met the required standard of skill and service offering required under the Program.
Further information about the program and eligibility is available here.
If you have questions concerning your eligibility to access the Program, please contact Alex Ramsey or Hannah Barbour.
About Alex A specialist agribusiness lawyer with over 12 years’ experience in large scale rural and commercial property transactions, Alex also advises clients on complex estate planning, business structuring and landholder compensation negotiations. As a regular visitor to regional centres across Queensland, Alex has built strong relationships with families and businesses throughout the country.
About Hannah With over 7 years’ experience in rural and commercial property transactions, Hannah is a specialist agribusiness lawyer in Thynne + Macartney’s Agribusiness group. With extensive experience in the area of carbon trading, Hannah regularly advises landowners on how to establish, maintain and manage carbon offset projects on their land. |
About Thynne + Macartney’s Agribusiness group
With more than 100 years of accumulated experience in working with multiple generations of farmers and graziers in Queensland, the Northern Territory and the border river areas of northern New South Wales, Thynne + Macartney’s team of agribusiness specialists knows and understands the rural sector.
We offer a complete range of legal solutions to over 1,200 corporations and families operating in agriculture and service a wide community of farmers, graziers and businesses with rural, residential and commercial property portfolios.
Whether you’re growing stock, crops or wealth – we’re with you.